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Discuz.net statistics
Website: discuz.net Host name: DNS servers: ns1.qq.com (, ns2.qq.com (, ns3.qq.com (, ns4.qq.com ( Server type: nginx Registration date: 06-10-2002 (22 years, 59 days ago) Expiration date: 06-10-2018 (-7 year, -60 day left) Registrar: HICHINA ZHICHENG TECHNOLOGY LTD State:Hi , It's Me clientDeleteProhibited https://icann.org/epp#clientDeleteProhibited, clientTransferProhibited https://icann.org/epp#clie |
Info about discuz.net
Site title (42 chr.): Discuz! 官方站-PHP 开源论坛 - Powered by Discuz! Keywords (28 chr.): PHP 开源 论坛 社区 插件 风格 技术支持 程序发布 Description (143 chr.): 本站是 Discuz! 论坛社区产品的官方交流站点。提供风格、模板、插件、产品扩展、技术支持等全方位服务。Discuz! 论坛(BBS),是一个采用 PHP 和 MySQL 等其他多种数据库构建的性能优异、功能全面、安全稳定的社区论坛平台,是全球市场占有率第一的社区论坛(BBS)软件。 Top 7 two word phrases (δ, ϱ %): discuz f (2, 1.06), 扩展 程序发布 (2, 1.06), 程序发布 r (2, 1.06), 链接到外部地址 discuz (2, 1.06), monkeye discuz (2, 1.06), 万 discuz (2, 1.06), php技术讨论版 链接到外部地址 (1, 0.53) Top 7 three word phrases (δ, ϱ %): 程序发布 r 分钟前 (2, 1.06), 扩展 程序发布 r (2, 1.06), discuz f 扩展 (2, 1.06), 万 discuz f (2, 1.06), 如何设置栏目点开之后以文章列表 分钟前 maqiufang (1, 0.53), discuz bug反馈 主题 (1, 0.53), fbi bbs 关联技术专区 (1, 0.53) Content: Headings (7), Bold phrases (6), Italic phrases (25), Links (178), Images (23), more info about page content on the sites comparison and keywords density pages. Encoding: Server - gbk, Document (real) - gbk, Document (declared) - gbk |
Discuz.net ratings
Website estimated worth | $7,635,030.00 | |
Real PageRank of discuz.net | 9.09/10 | |
TrustRank(sm), site authority | 10.0/10 | |
Alexa Ranking | 13,968 | |
Yandex IKS | 20 |
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discuz.net search engines & social media analysis
Indexed pages | Incoming links | ||
Google documents: | 2,720,000 | Alexa links: | 41,129 |
Bing: | 10 | Bing references: | 40,400 |
Yandex pages: | Check | Yandex mentions: | Check |
Social media | |||
Twitter: | 3 | Blogs, forums, images | |
Facebook: | 170 | Google blogs: | Show |
Delicious: | 34 | Google images: | Show |
Google+1: | 32 | Yandex blogs & forums: | Show |
LinkedIn: | 0 | Yandex images: | Show |
Vkontakte: | 0 | ||
Odnoklassniki: | 0 | Miscellaneous | |
Moi Mir: | 0 | Yahoo! index: | Check |
Outgoing links: | Check | ||
Site's code | Sticked sites: | Check | |
Link checker | Show | Google cache: | Check |
PageSpeed: | Show | Yandex cache: | Check |
HTML validation: | 50, 47 | Plagiarism detection: | Check |
CSS validation: | Show | Related sites: | Check |
MobileOK test: | Show | DNS, Ping, WhoIs, Traceroute | Check |
Uptime monitoring: | Show | WhoIs history: | Here or There |
Website Spellcheck: | Show | Yandex catalog links: | Check |
Geography & traffic of discuz.net
Visitors by country
| |||||
Alexa traffic | |||||
Google traffic | |||||
discuz.net backlinks, complex analysis
Links and site audit by Solomono | |||||||||
Indexed pages: | 34,244 | ||||||||
Same IP domains: | 0 | ||||||||
Site mirrors: | 0 | ||||||||
Referring domains: | 72,540 (1CA: 27903, 2CA: 67364, 3CA: 25131, 4CA: 960040) | ||||||||
Referring subnets: | 14,830 | ||||||||
IP donors: | 36,828 | ||||||||
Incoming links: | 28,390,605 (1CA: 28128, 2CA: 4072686, 3CA: 23329751, 4CA: 960040) | ||||||||
Incoming anchor texts: | 3,557 | ||||||||
Domains acceptors: | 3,380 | ||||||||
Outgoing links: | 1,464,682 (1CA: 93, 2CA: 1583, 3CA: 321287, 4CA: 321287) | ||||||||
Outgoing anchor texts: | 3,683 | ||||||||
IGood, donors coefficient: | 5,323,870 / 53,934,274 ≈ 0.0987 | ||||||||
Site spammy links: | 3.02% | ||||||||
Backlinks analysis by Majestic SEO | |||||||||
| |||||||||
Backlinks history (cumulative) | |||||||||
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, all time by days) | |||||||||
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, last 3 months) ------------------------------------ | |||||||||
Referring domains history (cumulative) | |||||||||
Referring domains (non-cumulative, all time by days) | |||||||||
Referring domains (non-cumulative, last 3 months) Compare to rival (e.g. dnray.com ): |
Summary stats of discuz.net
Incoming links to discuz.net (1265 rows)
Donor | Acceptor | Dcy | Acy | Anchor | NI | NF |
http://mysitecost.ru/pr/7/page-3.ht... | http://www.discuz.net/ | 325 | 60 | ~ | 0 | 1 |
http://forum.6cn.org/ | http://www.discuz.net | -1 | 60 | ~ | 0 | 0 |
http://igsm.com.cn/ | http://www.discuz.net/ | 0 | 60 | 7.2 | 0 | 0 |
http://bbs.eiouf.com/ | http://www.discuz.net | -1 | 60 | 7.2 | 0 | 0 |
http://bbs.52video.net/ | http://www.discuz.net/ | 0 | 60 | D1scu2 | 0 | 0 |
http://gaganetboard.byethost33.com/... | http://www.discuz.net/ | 0 | 60 | Discuz | 0 | 0 |
http://geek00l.blogspot.com/2007_01... | http://www.discuz.net/ | 0 | 60 | Discuz | 0 | 0 |
http://v23.com/wz/348.htm | http://www.discuz.net/ | 0 | 60 | Discuz | 0 | 0 |
http://w.hudong.com/ | http://www.discuz.net/ | 0 | 60 | Discuz | 0 | 0 |
http://yjrddh.cn/homepage.htm | http://www.discuz.net/ | 0 | 60 | Discuz | 0 | 0 |
http://yisima.com/ | http://www.discuz.net/ | -1 | 60 | Discuz | 0 | 0 |
http://insiteasian.com/ | http://www.discuz.net/ | 0 | 60 | Discuz X | 0 | 0 |
Discuz.net serp positions
Phrase | Go. | Yn. | Vis. | Qr. | WST | Y.D | Disp. | D.Val. | Cost |
Current page links