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Top sites by CMS

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TOP categories

Presented and sorted websites by Content Management System, sc. by CMS.
To view the main characteristics of a site, choose appropriate CMS in the table below.

Content Management System (CMS)Total Sites
1. WordPress 487,584
2. Joomla 99,718
3. 1c bitrix 51,967
4. Blogger 45,067
5. Drupal 31,800
6. DataLife 31,137
7. Ucoz 17,366
8. OpenCart 15,328
9. vBulletin 8,847
10. Magento 8,388
11. PrestaShop 8,204
12. XenForo 7,465
13. MediaWiki 3,646
14. TYPO3 3,116
15. IP.Board 2,931
16. osCommerce 2,879
17. SMF 2,534
18. phpBB 1,959
19. DotNetNuke 1,908
20. MyBB 1,506
21. InstantCMS 1,462
22. Sitefinity 1,290
23. LiveStreet 1,012
24. ZenCart 946
25. Amiro.CMS 944
26. SharePoint 763
27. Liferay 663
28. MaxSite 566
29. PHP Fusion 566
30. PHP Nuke 564
31. concrete5 513
32. MODx 447
33. CMSMadeSimple 398
34. XOOPS 364
35. GetSimple 321
36. e107 290
37. DokuWiki 288
38. SilverStripe 281
39. Cotonti 277
40. Plone 271
41. Fatwire 263
42. Contao 204
43. Movable Type 176
44. TypePad 143
45. ez Publish 135
46. ClanSphere 102
47. Moodle 81
48. OpenCMS 52
49. Serendipity 44
50. WebGUI 34
51. ZenPhoto 23
52. bbPress 23
53. PivotX 18
54. JaliosJCMS 9
55. miniBB 5
56. Avactis 5
57. Koobi 3
58. BIGACE 3
59. Alfresco 3
60. OpenACS 2
61. AlphaCMS 2

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