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Is there any Google update rolled out today?

Started by SEO.Ninja, 03-20-2020, 04:50:06

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SEO.NinjaTopic starter

Hello everyone,

Faced some drastically change in the Ahref numbers of keywords. Is there any update rolled out?


Lastly This update was rolling out...

Google confirmed that a broad core algorithm update, simply titled the 'January 2020 Core Update' is rolling out.

For more you can check - Google Webmaster Central Blog (https://webmasters.googleblog.com/2019/08/core-updates.html)
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John - Smith

unconfirmed SERP updates are there and due to COVID-19 also we can see the more fluctuations in the traffic.

Neel Patel

I think the thread should be closed now. Google algorithm fluctuations occurred march!


COVID19 is the trending now. ANd for the lockdown situation so the business has lost their sell. So it is not the effect of any Google updates.
Experienced in different niche for more than 5 years. Associated with DGMPeople


Quote from: SEO.Ninja on 03-20-2020, 04:50:06
Hello everyone,

Faced some drastically change in the Ahref numbers of keywords. Is there any update rolled out?

Yes, there are so many updates rolled out since Jan 2020. Currently there was a core update by Google.. Saw drastically changed in KW ranking and traffic
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