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Keywords Ranking Problem?

Started by stonewood, 12-02-2014, 07:05:54

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stonewoodTopic starter

My Electronic Health Records website lacks in ranking for 2 keywords Meaningful Use certified ehr & Top Electronic Health Records EHR. I have correct on Page work & also made enough submissions for the given keywords, but still I am unable to get ranking for these 2 keywords. They are not even up to 10th page. What should be done in order to get Ranking for these 2 keywords? Please Suggest me some ideas regarding this. ???


Double your effort in ranking this 2 keyword. Have you checked your competition on this keyword? Most probably their competition are too high and if it is, it is really a little harder to rank these two keywords. To check the monthly searched of your keywords, sign up for a Google adwords keyword planner.


Quote from: stonewood on 12-02-2014, 07:05:54
My Electronic Health Records website lacks in ranking for 2 keywords Meaningful Use certified ehr & Top Electronic Health Records EHR. I have correct on Page work & also made enough submissions for the given keywords, but still I am unable to get ranking for these 2 keywords. They are not even up to 10th page. What should be done in order to get Ranking for these 2 keywords? Please Suggest me some ideas regarding this. ???

Check your competitors backlinks and put same submission for your website. Structure also change your website like your competitors and on-page also change may be ranking also. 


May you have not use the proper strategy or backlinks are less. Use the unique and fresh content which is will be helpful to rank the keyword or website.
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More submissions wont work here, get backlinks from quality website and recheck your ON page. You can even do competitor analysis for those keywords to improve the ranking.

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