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Blog Setup for Google

Started by Seofinder, 04-21-2010, 14:02:22

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SeofinderTopic starter

Hi Guys,

I'm setting up a blog for my website and was wondering how should I configure the posts on the home page? so that it would rank better in Google.

1- Show 5 or 10 of the recent posts?
2- Show a summary (300 words) of 5 or 10 posts

These questions came in my mind when I thought about the whole duplicate content issue.

Please advise.


The decision is yours. But as a start it's better to show a lot of content to spiders >> 5 or 10 entire posts per page.

I was about to say more but I need you to explain the following : "These questions came in my mind when I thought about the whole duplicate content issue."


I don't think it really matters what you do. For sure make sure the look of the site isn't too cluttered , some themes aren't too good with too many posts on the homepage.

I would personally stick to 10 posts all summarized with links going to the full article.


Put as much posts as you can . Your going to be indexed in google much faster.

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