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why having many different prices of domain supplier?

Started by spencer, 03-24-2017, 19:15:38

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spencerTopic starter

I wonder why having some supplier sell domain the low price and the other do higher


Because there is nobody to set a maximum selling price for domain names. Because you get everything else in the market at a different price from a different seller and so is the case with domain names.


The price the customer pays to register the domain is often less than the price the registrar pays the registry for it. They aren't making money on that registration. ... It's also sometimes because some registrars make their money selling a WHOIS privacy service or other value-adds.

Pandit Devsharma

Different domain extensions (e.g., .com, .net, .org, .co, .io) have varying base costs set by the registry that manages them. Some extensions are more popular and in higher demand, resulting in higher prices.


It all comes down to the value and features they offer. Various domain providers different service levels, ranging from simple registration to premium features such as enhanced security and support. The higher prices usually indicate additional advantages, so it's important to select a provider that meets your requirements and budget to get the best value.

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