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What is Google algorithm?

Started by smithbrean, 08-16-2010, 22:40:22

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smithbreanTopic starter

I heared some where about Google algorithm.  I don't know more about algorithm but I would like to know more about this. So anybody explain me about Google algorithm, how its work and what is the benefit of it?


Nobody exactly knows Google algorithm. Try to get more backlinks and your site must be for people, not for SEs. Then Google will like you ;)

smithbreanTopic starter

Thanks for reply my dear friend..
nice posting for you...


i agree. the google development team always change their system to get index from all the link in the world wide network.
and the most important for the is making the best algorithm that ever hаck by someone to tricky the result.

that is the CONFIDENCE for everybody. the Google secret.
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it is too difficult to find out the algorithm of google.if someone
have a any better algorithm ..please tell me .


Seo Servicess


For google algorithm, google using the mathematical equations. It is very hard to describ about google algorithm. You can find this equactions from google algorithm book, which is available in google ebooks.
newbielink:http://www.fireplacegateway.com [nonactive]


google algorithm keeps changing and modified for the benefit and satisfaction of queries and researches. So to be safe we just have to follow googles guidelines and regulations.


I would like to add few comments here regarding Google algorithm.
Google makes around 300 to 400 changes in their search algorithm in a year time. Last week Matt Cutts from Google revealed that Google has made a "simple change" in their algorithm and they are putting more weight on brands in rankings for specific keywords.



Google algorithm are not constant, google always keep updating its algorithm!!!  there are many modifications and new rules always updated by google, so for keep in touch with those algorithms we should follow the google gidelines and its rules.


No one knows the exact algorithm. And if we knew it, it would have taken a lot to figure out all it's insights. In the mean time, the big G would change it and so on!

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