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Home Page - Optimizing For Keywords

Started by areksz, 07-17-2017, 01:25:13

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arekszTopic starter


I have a real estate agent website and I would like to optimize the home page for some low/medium competition keywords with some higher volume searches. I found these keywords using the google adwords keyword planner.

My question is: how many keywords can I optimize (on site SEO) the home page for? The home page would be sort of an agent intro page. I was thinking of coming up with approximately 700-800 words of unique content. A rep from the real estate web design company recommended in their training videos to optimize the home page up to 10 keywords and the inner pages of the website for 1-2 keywords. This doesn't sound right to me as 10 keywords would be way too many to be able to effectively obtain a high ranking for each one of these keywords.

I've done some research and I've read that you have to be careful with keyword density and that you don't use the exact match anchor text all over the content as you might get penalized by google. I believe his strategy used to worked quite well before.

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


It's good you found some lower competition keywords, because real estate agent sites are generally pretty tough to rank considering you're competing with big players who have very deep pockets and pay a lot of money to show up first in Google. I'd focus on 3 keywords and make it natural, because as you mentioned, Google has wised up to keyword stuffing. A Real-estate agent friend of mine gets the majority of his leads from individual inner pages that target keywords related to the specific areas he works in.


Good one.
We have to use long tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are actually a great way to reach a more targeted audience for less money & effort.
Long tail keywords are keywords or key phrases that are more specific – and usually longer – than more commonly searched for keywords.
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