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How to define SEO properly.

Started by smithbrean, 08-09-2010, 00:38:52

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smithbreanTopic starter

I don't know much about SEO.  Is there anybody tell me how to define SEO properly?


SEO is simply the skill one developers, minus all the hoopla of blackhat techniques, of getting one's page to rank high within search engine based solely upon site and page construction.

I've been doing SEO ever since Infoseek did real time indexing back in 1998, and broke the Google code for high SERPS back in 2005 for a few months.
Nowadays, I simply write compelling articles and let the overall design process/methodology work its magic.

smithbreanTopic starter

Thanks your reply
and more suggesing me to seo .....
Your work is nice.......
good work
can You more teching to seo for me......?


Nowadays SEO is like the quantum physics: a lot of theories, some theories even work, but no one exactly knows what is it...

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In simple word we can say ....improving the visibility of a web site or a web page in search engines.



SEO is the process of improving ranking in search engine results,it's also used for web marketing.

It helps to get your website be popular in the world web!
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is often considered the more technical part of Web marketing. This is true because SEO does help in the promotion of sites and at the same time it requires some technical knowledge – at least familiarity with basic HTML. SEO is sometimes also called SEO copyrighting because most of the techniques that are used to promote sites in search engines deal with text. Generally, SEO can be defined as the activity of optimizing Web pages or whole sites in order to make them more search engine-friendly, thus getting higher positions in search results.


SEO = Search Engine Optimization, ie getting your site ranked higher so more people show up at your doorstep.

In theory we're interested in all search engines. In practice SEO = Google.
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        SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization" and it simply means taking steps to ensure your website is noticed by the search engines and ranked highly for your chosen keywords. So the question is how does Google find your website? There is a software or bot a "spider" which allows Google to constantly scan and surf the web at incredibly high speed. The Google spider is always looking for websites, new content and links as they are added to the web. When the spider finds a link it will send itself to that web page which will then be scanned. This is referred as indexing and it means having arrived at your web page from another link, your website's content has been scanned and added to the Google's vast database of websites. This should not be confused with getting rank by Google. Indexing simply means, Google is aware of your website but for it to be displayed in their search engine results, well, that is when SEO comes in the picture. Your website is indexed with millions of other website. When user conducts a search, Google uses algorithms to analyze the content and determine how relevant it is to the search query. The simple rule is, the better your website is optimized to match Google's algorithm parameters, the better your website's search engine rankings. This will be determined by many factors and they are mainly grouped into two parts. The first is "On page SEO" and the second is "Off page SEO". An example of on page SEO would be the use of meta tags and off page SEO would be acquiring backlinks to your website. In the end, it all depends on your efforts. The better and well directed your efforts to ensure your website's optimization for Google, Yahoo, Bing and many other search engines, the greater the results you will see. Positive results will come in the course of time and you will see your website on top pages of Google but till that time you need to have patience.


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generally SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

The wide and general understanding of SEO is when you want to be on top of search engines for a purpose. Being on top of different search engines are a good spot if you are doing business online. Since being on top means many customers and new clients.

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