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Sitemap for News Website

Started by gurumayum, 09-24-2019, 22:54:47

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gurumayumTopic starter

I have a News website with daily updates of 5-10 news item. I want to create a Sitemap for my news website. I am confused, as my site have more than 10,000+ news item, how do I go with this?
My site uses Joomla and K2.
I am aiming to use the sitemap for Google and Bing

Thanks a lot


Limit of sitemap.xml file is 50,000 URLs.
Create different sitemaps for different categories of your webpages. Ex - /businessnews.xml, /sportsnews.xml, /regionalnews.xml
If the URL limit is reached, create a part 2 of the same category. This way it will be easier to track.
After all the category sitemaps are created, put all of them under one sitemap and submit that to google webmaster.
Any sitemap has the limit of 50,000 URLs or 50mb, which ever comes first.

John - Smith

Lisamali explained so well. so I think now you will be clear about what to do next!  !-!


I think twice or thrice a month update of sitemap that to be submitted in Google.

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