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What else can make for great content?

Started by mosesaaron, 11-13-2011, 22:36:24

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mosesaaronTopic starter

Great content is a combination of good research, appropriate title and use of keywords. What else can make for great content?


what you mention are in fact areas of on-page optimization. great content is a result of providing visitors information, products and/or services that they are looking for, especially when you many have spotted a gap in the market or something that you have special or expertise knowledge of


Its just one what makes your visitor to visit your site again and again to get valuable information.


It should be user friendly content. Content should be unique so it will bring the visitors at your site. Content should be useful to the user also other wise user will not come back again.


Well very useful things you all shared here about good content thanks to all.


Quote from: mosesaaron on 11-13-2011, 22:36:24
Great content is a combination of good research, appropriate title and use of keywords. What else can make for great content?

Adding humor to your content makes a content great.


Make interesting content that will catch your visitor's attention. As simple as that. No technical issues are needed or whatsoever.

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